Artist Nevinson lived here

Artist Nevinson lived here

The home of avant garde artist Richard Nevinson

Location: 4 Downside Crescent, Hampstead

Description: This is the former home of celebrated war correspondent Henry Nevinson and his artist son CRW Nevinson.

Henry was a renowned war correspondent, social justice campaigner and supporter of women's suffrage, always returning here to write. He wrote 27 of his 34 books and much of his journalism from this house. His guests here included India's future Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru.

His son Richard lived here for 16 years and was an avant-garde artist who promoted Futurism in the UK and depicted enduring images of First World War. His fellow Slade students often visited, indeed the Futurists Severini and Marinetti had frequently had supper here.

Themes: ArtArt Theme
Artist Nevinson lived here

The home of avant garde artist Richard Nevinson

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