The Hoop & Grapes

The Hoop & Grapes

The only surviving 17th-century timber-framed pub in the city.

Location: 47 Aldgate High Street, EC3N 1AL

Description: In 1666 the Great Fire of London swept through the City, destroying almost every building in its path. The fire blazed with such ferocity because the medievil and Tudor buildings were made of wood; and so was the 'Hoop & Grapes', but luckily the fire stopped just yards away. After the fire wooden buildings were forbidden.This pub is now the only surviving 17th-century timber-framed building in the City.

Themes: PubPub Theme  AncientAncient Theme  AlcoholAlcohol Theme
The Hoop & Grapes

The only surviving 17th-century timber-framed pub in the city.

Ranking This Month: 1741/3072

Pages Hit This Month: 20


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Open Street Maps», Google Maps»