Edmund Halley's Tomb

Edmund Halley's Tomb

The grave of 18th century cosmologist Edmund Halley.

Location: St Margaret's Church, Lee Terrace, Lewisham, SE13 5EA

Description: Edmond Halley FRS was born on the 8 November 1656 and sadly passed over on 14 January 1742.

As an English astronomer, geophysicist, mathematician, meteorologist, and physicist, he was one clever chappy.

And not only that...he is best known for computing the orbit of the eponymous Halley's comet.

And this is the location of his final resting place, go forth and respect a great man!

Themes: ScienceScience Theme  PioneerPioneer Theme
Edmund Halley's Tomb

The grave of 18th century cosmologist Edmund Halley.

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