World's 1st Business Computer

This is where Lyons and the worlds 1st business computer lived.
Location: Kaevener House, Hammersmith Road, W14 8YW
Description: The British LEO I (Lyons Electronic Office I) computer, ran its first business application in 1951. The computer, modeled closely on the Cambridge EDSAC, was the first computer used for commercial business applications.
LEO I's clock speed was 500 kHz, with most instructions taking about 1.5 ms to execute. To be useful for business applications the computer had to be able to handle a number of data streams, input and output simultaneously. Hence its chief designer, Dr. John Pinkerton, designed the machine to have multiple input/output buffers. In the first instance these were linked to fast paper tape readers and punches, fast punched card readers and punches, and a 100 line a minute tabulator.
The old Cadby Hall has been completely demolished.

This is where Lyons and the worlds 1st business computer lived. |
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