David Niven was born here

David Niven was born here

The birth place of the Queen Mother and David Niven.

Location: 35-37 Grosvenor Gardens, Belgravia, SW1W 0BS

Description: David Niven (1910-1983, the British Actor known for his caddish English gent persona was born here in Belgrave Mansions (now Grosvenor Gardens). He was born on March 1st, St David's Day - whom he was named after.

Niven often claimed that he was born in Kirriemuir, in the county of Angus in 1909, but his birth certificate showed this was not true.

He is best known for his roles as Phileas Fogg in Around the World in 80 Days and Sir Charles Lytton (the Phantom) in The Pink Panther. He was awarded the 1958 Academy Award for Best Actor in Separate Tables.

The Queen Mother (portrayed by Helena Bonham-Carter in The King's Speech) was also born here on 4 August 1900.

Themes: CinemaCinema Theme  RoyaltyRoyalty Theme
David Niven was born here

The birth place of the Queen Mother and David Niven.

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