Where Do I Find Good Beer?

Where Do I Find Good Beer?

Stoke Newington Farmers Market - Pitfield Beer Shop - yummy

Location: Stoke Newington Church Street, N16

Description: Of course, for true beer connoisseurs, no distance to find a decent tipple is too far. So look no further than 'Stoke Newington Farmers Market'.

Home to the 'Pitfield Beer Shop', an online beer merchants in the flesh, this hops and barley lovers delight has over 500 beers on offer with an enviable organic range available to.

Head to North London and be at the market on a Saturday - the best bet is to keep an eye on the website - http://www.pitfieldbeershop.co.uk

Themes: AlcoholAlcohol Theme  RetailRetail Theme
Where Do I Find Good Beer?

Stoke Newington Farmers Market - Pitfield Beer Shop - yummy

Ranking This Month: 1975/3073

Pages Hit This Month: 30

Credits: http://www.pitfieldbeershop.co.uk

it has closed :( (rhys)
Posted by rhys on 2011-01-16

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