The Largest Roof...?

The Largest Roof...?

The Dome (O2) actually has the largest roof in the world

Location: Drawdock Road, London, SE10 0BB

Description: The new millennium officially started in Greenwich, England on 1st January 2001; The World's biggest dome was built on the Meridian Line (The Prime Meridian of the World) in Greenwich to celebrate this historic event.

And it here that the Dome - or the 'O2' as it is now called - still presides, which is surprising after a public and political outcry into the cost of construction... it is big but not 'knock-downable'.

And it is this 'big' word that enables the O2 to lay claim to have the largest roof in the world. Don't just take my word for it, have a look at the map below - massive!

Themes: ArchitectureArchitecture Theme  MusicMusic Theme  ArtArt Theme
The Largest Roof...?

The Dome (O2) actually has the largest roof in the world

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