How To Measure A Cockney?

How To Measure A Cockney?

'Authentic Cockneys' must be born within the sound of the bells.

Location: St Mary-Le-Bow, Cheapside, EC2V 6AU

Description: Now get this - for a Londoner to be able to call him or herself an 'authentic cockney', they must have been born within the sound of St Mary-Le-Bow Church in Cheapside.

'Cockney' or 'cock's egg' was a 14th Century term applied contemptuously by rural people to native Londoners who lived rather by their wits than their muscle. Today's natives of London, especially its East End use the term with pride - 'Cockney Pride'.

This church was rebuilt by Christopher Wren after the Great Fire of London and again after World War II bomb damage, and it was during this period that the distinctive peal of the Bow Bells was broadcast by the BBC to the enemy-occupied countries of Europe.

Themes: ChurchChurch Theme  QuirkyQuirky Theme  HistoricalHistorical Theme
How To Measure A Cockney?

'Authentic Cockneys' must be born within the sound of the bells.

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