The London Inventions Tour

Loads of stuff was invented in London first, as one of the world's biggest cities it became a hotbed of creative talent...

NOTE: Please note this is a virtual tour, a Do-It-Yourself tour you can print off and take with you when you visit London.

Submitted by ShadyOldLady

Tour Itinerary

# Image Location Address Notes
1The discovery of PenicillinThe discovery of PenicillinSt Mary's Hospital
2Jonas Hanway's Handy GadgetJonas Hanway's Handy GadgetHanway House, Red Lion Square
3Colour Mauve invented hereColour Mauve invented here290 Cable Street, London
4First Plastic Invented HereFirst Plastic Invented HereBerkshire Road, Hackney Wick, London
5Jigsaws were invented hereJigsaws were invented hereRussell Street, Covent Garden, London
6Pimm's invented herePimm's invented here3 Poultry, City, London
7The World's First Ever CashpointThe World's First Ever Cashpoint20 The Town, Enfield
7 locations, 6750 hits

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Printable PDF Itinerary (No Map)

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