A Touch of Latin

A Touch of Latin

El Comandante brings a South American vibe to London, & why not

Location: 10 Annette Road, N7 6ET

Description: Formerly the Lord Palmerston.. now that's a class name for a pub - now called 'El Comandante'...perhaps an even better name, is essentially a South American bar in an old pub.

The Latin music from the jukebox definitely adds to the ambience and if nothing else, it puts most other - more popular - South American bars to shame.

Viva la Revolucion!

Themes: PubPub Theme  SocietySociety Theme
A Touch of Latin

El Comandante brings a South American vibe to London, & why not

Ranking This Month: 949/3072

Pages Hit This Month: 18

Credits: http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/

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