Hatton Garden....Eyes Wide Shut

Hatton Garden....Eyes Wide Shut

Hatton Garden was in the Stanley Kubrick film 'Eyes Wide Shut'.

Location: Hatton Garden, London, EC1

Description: Indeed, Hatton Garden starred in the Stanley Kubrick film 'Eyes Wide Shut', that saw Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman get it on in more ways that one... Also, the area around Hatton Garden, has been the centre of Londons jewellery trade since way back in the mists of medieval time.

Premier House, 12-13 Hatton Gardens, was where Doug's diamond shop was in Guy Ritchie's Snatch.

Themes: CinemaCinema Theme  HistoricalHistorical Theme
Hatton Garden....Eyes Wide Shut

Hatton Garden was in the Stanley Kubrick film 'Eyes Wide Shut'.

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