Wapping Pier Head

Wapping Pier Head

Designed by John Rennie in 1805

Location: Off Wapping High Street

Description: This was the entrance to the London Docks, designed by John Rennie in 1805.

The docks were given a 21-year monopoly of all imports of tobacco, rice, wine and brandy, except those from the East and West Indies.

Daniel Alexander built the yellow brick houses on either side of the entrance in 1813 for dock officials. They were converted into luxury homes in the 1970s after the closure of the London Docks in 1969.

The dock entrance and two of the three dock basins were covered over during redevelopment in the 1970s.

Just up Wapping High Street you can see the pub sign of the Town of Ramsgate, showing a picture of Ramsgate harbour in the nineteenth century. The pub is named after the fishermen from Ramsgate who came to sell fish at Wapping Old Stairs.

Tours: The Doctor Whoish tour of London

Tours: Pirates and penthouses at the old London Docks

Themes: SubterraneanSubterranean Theme  TransportTransport Theme  HistoricalHistorical Theme
Wapping Pier Head

Designed by John Rennie in 1805

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Open Street Maps», Google Maps»