That Famous Red Briefcase

That Famous Red Briefcase

The oldest makers of leather and leathergoods in the country

Location: Tom Cribb Road, SE28 0EZ

Description: 'Barrow & Gale' can proudly lay claim to being one of the oldest makers of leather and leathergoods in the country.

From it's origins in Beverly, East Yorkshire, Barrow & Gale have remained a unique and idiosyncratic British company. In Beverley, quality and pride in workmanship was encouraged amongst traders and manufacturers and the local courts imposed severe penalties on traders who made, or sold poor quality goods.

Beverley's high standards attracted the best merchants and manufacturers. London, and in particular the area south of the River Thames was the hub of the leather industries. It was here in 1750 that Barrow & Gale moved to Bermondsey.

The Grange Mill Tannery and the old Barrow factory on Tanner Street still stand as reminders of our unique role in London's commercial history.

As a continuous supplier to the Royal Household and HM Government, Barrow & Gale have trod the line between discretion and service for many years.

They also manufacture and supply the famous red briefcase as used by the Chancellor when delivering the UK's budget!

Themes: FashionFashion Theme  RoyaltyRoyalty Theme  PoliticsPolitics Theme
That Famous Red Briefcase

The oldest makers of leather and leathergoods in the country

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