Feel the fibre of the fabric

One of the best places to buy clothing fabric in London.
Location: Joel & Son Fabrics, 75-83 Church Street, NW8 8EU
Description: This is one for all those people with a passion for fabric, sewing, needles, and dressmaking...and indeed those who just like tinkering.
With a huge array of mouthwatering fabric stacked high and emitting bundles of colour, don't be shy, the staff will always help out.
So if you're a fashion guru or just like smart clothes, this is the only place to get the building blocks.

One of the best places to buy clothing fabric in London. |
Ranking This Month: 2789/3073
Pages Hit This Month: 23
Credits: http://www.joelandsonfabrics.co.uk/
1» If youre looking for some fabrics try Church Street market.. its just off the edgware road - 5 mins from edgware road station. Theres a lovely stall at the start of the market.. very pretty cotton prints and silks. Great value and quality from a market stall. (sophia)
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