Mr Morse and his special Code

The man who helped create the Morse code lived here
Location: 141 Cleveland Street, Fitzrovia, W1T 6QC
Description: Not only was 'Samuel Finley Breese Morse' an accomplished painter, but as his name might suggest, he did something else pretty spectacular!
He was a co-inventor of the Morse code - an American contributor to the invention of a single-wire telegraph system based on European telegraphs.
Samuel F.B. Morse was born in Charlestown, Massachusetts on 27 April 1791, he went on to Yale College to receive instruction in the subjects of religious philosophy, mathematics and science of horses.
But it was not until a sea voyage home in 1832, Morse encountered Charles Thomas Jackson of Boston, a man who was well schooled in electromagnetism. Witnessing various experiments with Jackson's electromagnet, Morse developed the concept of a single-wire telegraph.
And so 'Morse code' was born.
Samuel Morse lived at this address from 1812 to 1815 - a blue plaque adorns the property.

The man who helped create the Morse code lived here |
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