Lionel Barts party house

Lionel Barts party house

Lavish famous party house once owned by Lionel Bart.

Location: 3a Seymour Walk, Chelsea

Description: Oliver! composer Lionel Bart (born Lionel Begleiter in 1930) lived here (once called St Dunstans Priory) from 1964 to 1968, at the height of his party years. In fact his name for it was the 'Fun Palace'.

Lionel Bart, the son of a Jewish East End tailor, had made millions from song-writing hit songs such as Little White Bull and Big Time.

He worked with Tommy Steele and discovered Cliff Richard, writing hit song Living Doll for him.

His parties were indeed legendary often featuring top celebrities from the 1960's including Princess Margaret, the Rolling Stones, Muhammad Ali, Noel Coward, Rudolf Nureyev and The Beatles.

In the aftermath of the 1966 World Cup triumph, captain of the England team Bobby Moore and his wife were invited here. On their arrival, some familiar faces awaited including Joan Collins, Tom Jones, Jack Charlton and hundreds more.

Themes: TheatreTheatre Theme  CelebrityCelebrity Theme
Lionel Barts party house

Lavish famous party house once owned by Lionel Bart.

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