The Barbican Conservatory

The Barbican Conservatory

A tropical oasis 3 floors up in the city of London.

Location: Barbican Centre, Silk Street, EC2Y 8DS

Description: The second biggest Conservatory in London was designed by the Brutalist Barbican's architects Chamberlin, Powell and Bon, to surround the Barbicans fly tower, from which scenery for productions on the stage at the theatre below are lowered into place.

Two of the three pools accommodate koi, ghost, and grass carp from Japan and America, as well as other cold water fish such as roach, rudd, and tench, whilst the other smaller pool (located outside the Arid House) provides a safe haven for for invasive species 'rescued' from ponds on Hampstead Heath.

Planted between 1980 and 1981, and opened in 1984, the Conservatory now houses around 1,500 species of plants and trees, some of which are rare and endangered in their native habitat.

Watch out for the extraordinary flora such as the iconic tree fern, chilli plants, date palm, the Swiss cheese plant, and coffee and ginger plants.

The Arid House on the east side of the Conservatory houses a huge collection of cacti, succulents, and cool house orchids.

The Conservatory also has a Marriage Licence approval.

Tours: Great Gardens of London

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The Barbican Conservatory

A tropical oasis 3 floors up in the city of London.

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