Brunel's Tree...Alive & Kicking

Brunel's Tree...Alive & Kicking

Living link with this extraordinary family, still thriving.

Location: Railway Avenue, SE16 4LF

Description: The tree, standing outside the Brunel Engine House and Thames Tunnel in Rotherhithe, is a living link with this extraordinary family - and long may it live on.

Isambard Kingdom Brunel is best known for his pioneering work with iron, but his father, Marc Brunel, built the adjacent Thames Tunnel. Completed in 1843, it was the first underwater tunnel in the world, paving the way for modern tunnelling, and is still used today as part of Londons rail network.

The Brunel tree is a False Acacia or Black Locust, an American species introduced to Britain to be used in shipbuilding.

Themes: HistoricalHistorical Theme  MuseumMuseum Theme  NatureNature Theme
Brunel's Tree...Alive & Kicking

Living link with this extraordinary family, still thriving.

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