Harris's List: Mrs Williams

Harris's List: Mrs Williams

This is where Mrs Williams, late 18th century prostitute lived.

Location: 17 Pitt Street, Kensington, London

Description: Reproduced from Harris's List of Covent Garden Ladies, 1793.

Fond she is and e'er will be.
Of our king's new guineas.

This is a fine tall lady, about twenty-four, a very fine figure, just returned from Brighton, has been in dock to have her bottom cleaned and fresh coppered, where she has washed away all the impurities of prostitution, and risen almost immaculate, like Venus, from the waves.

She is now fit to carry any burthren, and sails from the rate of ten to twelves notches an hour. If the Spring and even the Summer of her beauty be past, she is not without hopes of a fruitful autumn.

She at present has a young man of the pen who is her favourite, and lives on the first floor. Her footing is rather superior to the common run, and expects five pieces, but being often disappointed, is very well pleased with two or three.

Note: image does not reflect the person but the theme.

Themes: SexSex Theme
Harris's List: Mrs Williams

This is where Mrs Williams, late 18th century prostitute lived.

Ranking This Month: 2471/3067

Pages Hit This Month: 35

Credits: Harris's List of Covent Garden Ladies

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