The Great London Ghost Tour

The best ghost stories from around the capitals haunted old city.

NOTE: Please note this is a virtual tour, a Do-It-Yourself tour you can print off and take with you when you visit London.

Submitted by Adeee

Tour Itinerary

# Image Location Address Notes
1The Black Dog of NewgateThe Black Dog of NewgateAmen Court, Westminster, London
2South Kensington Ghost TrainSouth Kensington Ghost TrainSouth Kensington Station
3Cock Lane GhostCock Lane Ghost21 Cock Lane, London
4Charlton House: Lusty GhostCharlton House: Lusty GhostCharlton Road, Charlton, London
5Ghost of the Hanging JudgeGhost of the Hanging JudgeTown of Ramsgate Pub, Wapping
6Ghost of Alice HackneyGhost of Alice HackneySt Mary at Hill Church, Lovat Lane, London
7A ghostly BricklayerA ghostly BricklayerSouth Black Lion Lane
8The Blackwall TunnelThe Blackwall TunnelA102, Greenwich
9Blonde ghost harassing tenantsBlonde ghost harassing tenantsHouse in Leucha Road, Walthamstow
10Ghost of Actor William TerrissGhost of Actor William TerrissThe Adelphi, The Strand, London
11Theatre Royal HaymarketTheatre Royal Haymarket18 Suffolk Street
12St Giles Church GhostSt Giles Church GhostSt Giles Churchyard Passageway
13The Grenadier and it's GhostsThe Grenadier and it's Ghosts18 Wilton Row, Chelsea
14Theatre Royal GhostTheatre Royal GhostDrury Lane, Catherine Street
15Vicious womans ghostVicious womans ghostConnaught Tavern, London
15 locations, 19871 hits

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Printable PDF Itinerary (No Map)

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