Great London Eccentrics Tour

Lets go and see some of the places where the most eccentric Londoners have been.

NOTE: Please note this is a virtual tour, a Do-It-Yourself tour you can print off and take with you when you visit London.

Submitted by adrians

Tour Itinerary

# Image Location Address Notes
1Dennis Severs HouseDennis Severs House18 Folgate Street, London
2Dirty Dick's and Odd Mr. BentleyDirty Dick's and Odd Mr. Bentley202 Bishops Gate, London
3Dr Jelley of HomertonDr Jelley of Homerton172/174 Homerton High Street, Hackney
4Eccentric Dentist's ShowEccentric Dentist's Show56 Mount Street, London
5Eccentric George Cecil IvesEccentric George Cecil Ives196 Adelaide Road, Lewisham, London
6Frank Buckland's MenagerieFrank Buckland's Menagerie37 Albany Sreet, London
7Hackney's Mole ManHackney's Mole ManMortimer Road, Hackney, London
8Merlin's CaveMerlin's CaveCarlisle House, Soho Square, London
9Salvador Dali in his Diving SuitSalvador Dali in his Diving Suit5 Burlington Gardens, Piccadilly
9 locations, 8111 hits

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Printable PDF Itinerary (No Map)

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