A Bridge and a Rose

A Bridge and a Rose

Bridge-building Lord Mayor is fined a freshly plucked rose.

Location: Seething Lane, EC3N

Description: Some time ago, one of the earlier Lord Major's took it upon himself to put on his construction hat and look handy in the architecture stakes...

He duly built a bridge over Seething Lane to connect his two houses...without permission. Well, either he was incredibly lazy, stupid, or just liked spending Londoner's money...or indeed all of the above - but justice was to prevail.

He was subsequently fined, and what a ridiculous one it was - a fine of a freshly plucked rose!

This rose symbol is still presented to new Lord Major at the annual ceremony.

Themes: HistoricalHistorical Theme  ArchitectureArchitecture Theme
A Bridge and a Rose

Bridge-building Lord Mayor is fined a freshly plucked rose.

Ranking This Month: 2276/3067

Pages Hit This Month: 36

Stayed at the Apex hotel a week ago for 2 nights and ran across Samuel Pepys name 3 times that night. At he "hung drawn and quatered" pub again at St. Olaves church, and the street next to the hotel. I believew I saw his ghost that night outside my large window on the top floor. (Russ)
Posted by Russ on 2008-07-01

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