The PM's Street

The PM's Street

Named after Cromwell's Scoutmaster General - Sir George Downing

Location: Downing Street, SW1

Description: As we all know, this is quite a famous street, and the Prime Minister is certain to say it's because of the government and England's parliament...but that would be just wrong!

In fact this street is named after a Scoutmaster General (basically a director of military intelligence) of Oliver Cromwell's army.

Sir George Downing was a diplomat, spy and turncoat - dubbed as the 'perfidious rogue' and 'ungrateful villain' - even his own mother disliked him. He was Cromwell's Ambassador at the Hague and from 1670 secretary to the Treasury, and it seems...not a nice man!

Tours: Top 10 London Landmarks: Gold

Themes: HistoricalHistorical Theme  PoliticsPolitics Theme
The PM's Street

Named after Cromwell's Scoutmaster General - Sir George Downing

Ranking This Month: 1652/3067

Pages Hit This Month: 44

Credits: Judy Lloyd

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