The Colonnade Town House

The Colonnade Town House

This is where Alan Turing was born in 1921.

Location: 2 Warrington Crescent, London, W91ER

Description: Originally built as two private homes in the 1800s, this hotel has experienced life as a hospital - the original and highly unusual lift which was used to carry stretchers and trolleys up to the operating theatre still works - and a ladies dormitory.

The mathematician responsible for breaking the Enigma code, Alan Turing, was born here in 1921, and the original bed constructed for John F. Kennedy's state visit in 1962 is still here.

From the Freud suite - Sigmund the world famous psychoanalyst visited this in 1938 en route to buying his Hampstead home.

Themes: ScienceScience Theme  HistoricalHistorical Theme
The Colonnade Town House

This is where Alan Turing was born in 1921.

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