
NOTE: Please note this is a virtual tour, a Do-It-Yourself tour you can print off and take with you when you visit London.

Submitted by jpamoon

Tour Itinerary

# Image Location Address Notes
1The Viaduct TavernThe Viaduct Tavern126 Newgate Street, London
2Harry Potter's Diagon AlleyHarry Potter's Diagon AlleyCecil Court
3The Statue that Copies YouThe Statue that Copies YouSumner Street
4The Turkish BathsThe Turkish BathsOld Broad Street from Liverpool Street
5Wanstead's Stolen Cherry PieWanstead's Stolen Cherry PieKingfisher Avenue, Wanstead
6Australia House & Harry PotterAustralia House & Harry PotterStrand
7Princess Caroline's Sunken BathPrincess Caroline's Sunken BathCharlton Way Entrance, Blackheath Park, Greenwic
8Home of Ian FlemingHome of Ian Fleming22 Ebury Street, Westminster
9The Penguin ClubThe Penguin ClubClare Market
10Necromancer John Dee lived hereNecromancer John Dee lived hereMortlake High Street, Mortlake, London
11Guildhall Art Gallery and RomansGuildhall Art Gallery and RomansGuildhall Yard, Off Gresham Street, London
12The Phoney HousesThe Phoney Houses23-24 Leinster Terrace, Bayswater
13Emblem of the Cockney WorldEmblem of the Cockney WorldElephant and Castle
14Thomas Hardy's TreeThomas Hardy's TreePancras Road, Kings Cross
15The Whispering GalleryThe Whispering GallerySt Pauls Cathedral, Westminster
16Wood Green EmpireWood Green EmpireHigh Road, Wood Green, London
17Hamleys Toy StoreHamleys Toy Store188 - 196 Regent Street
18The Devil and the LadyThe Devil and the LadyBleeding Heart Yard, off Greville Street
19Monty Python's Flying CircusMonty Python's Flying CircusNeal's Yard, Covent Garden, London
20Chaucers Canterbury Tales OriginChaucers Canterbury Tales OriginTalbot Yard, Southwark, London
21The Temple of MithrasThe Temple of MithrasTemple Court, Queen Victoria Street, London
22Fulham PalaceFulham PalaceBishop's Avenue, Fulham, London
23Bruce Castle MuseumBruce Castle MuseumLordship Lane, Tottenham
24St Nicholas' ChurchSt Nicholas' ChurchDeptford Green, London
25The Cutty SarkThe Cutty Sark2 Greenwich Church Street, Greenwich, London
25 locations, 7314 hits

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